Sunday, September 7, 2008


I finished knitting this hat a week or so ago, I just needed to sew in the brim. I don't know why i waited to do it, it took all of maybe 5 minutes? I think these hats are so cute. I'll be making a few more of them, I'm sure. I tried to get my dh to model for me, but that was a no-go. :p I think Benjamin makes a pretty cute model though.....

Project Specs....
You can find the pattern in this book.
Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Yarn
Size 8 needles
I had hoped to have another finished object to share with you. However, I am still short a sleeve. I may finish tonight, but I'm sure I won't have time to blog about it before my surgery in the am. Have I mentioned how hungry I am? I haven't eaten anything since Friday at dinner!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Love the hat! Does that cute Benjamin deliver papers, too? lol It's adorable on him!

Best wishes on the surgery tomorrow. You'll be in my thoughts and holler if I can help out in any way, big or small.