Saturday, September 10, 2011

Days Gone By

I cannot believe how quickly our summer went by. I mean, I've lived here before...I knew it would happen like this...but still. Crazy quick. We had a fairly cool, wet summer. Thankfully, we still found time to hang out with our friends, go to the beach, etc. It was a good summer. I didn't realize how much daylight we had lost until I happened to notice the sunrise/sunset times on my daily weather channel check on my phone. Sunrise is at about 7am, sunset is about 8:30pm. Darkness is coming folks...quicker than we realize.
Benjamin and I took a trip to Seattle last month for a doctor appointment. Isn't it weird that we have to travel so far to see a doctor? To be fair, we do have doctors here in the Last Frontier. Just not a lot of specialists. Benjamin and I were fortunate enough to be able to stay with family, see some friends we haven't seen in years, and visit the Space Needle! We really did have a good time. It's a good thing, 'cause we get to do it again in a couple of weeks for surgery #4 on that stinkin' ear.
We just completed Week 3 of homeschooling. So far, things are going well. Our days are crazy busy. I really don't think I've ever been busier in my life than I am right now. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or not. I have all five kids at home this year. Devin is busy with work and learning to play the guitar, the girls are all continuing with their piano lessons, Benjamin is taking up the violin, plus various other classes including rock climbing, ASL, Creative Dance, Ice-Skating, etc. Fun times, fun times.
I'm trying to find more time to knit. I barely knit a stitch since May, and I don't like it one bit. I'm working on a rainbow colored poncho for Liberty right now. Pictures will come later. I've begun my knitting list for Christmas, but it's short. There just isn't enough time for me to accomplish much.
Mike has been gone for nearly 5 months. Five, longggg months. We are still 4 months or so away from a visit. Seems like forever since we've seen him, but I know the wait will be worth it. I'm thankful God has given me a man worth missing.
Oh yes, I witnessed a baby BIRTHday this summer. I'll share that story another time.


Melissa said...

You must have gotten a blog call from Mike, keep them coming!

Carrie said...

I'm looking forward to some quality knitting time on our trip! Hope you can find some too.