Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Little Easter Fun!

Easter was pretty low key around here this year. We did baskets, but they were pretty small. We are attempting at cutting back at holidays. I've went overboard for too many years. We are now paying the consequences. I hadn't planned on making a dinner on Easter since we made it the weekend before while Mike was still here. We were invited to our friends house for dinner, which was VERY enjoyable!!!! No family pictures were taken that day. This is all there is...



I should tell you, I've been sewing. You may see a sewing post within the next couple of days. :-)

Edited to fix the photo link!


Melissa said...

I only got a few pictures. We took a few before leaving for church on Sunday night....glad ya'll could come out Sunday. I really enjoyed our visit.

Anonymous said...

We kept it very low key as well. I have learned that little things are more appreciated. All my crew got was a chocolate "Jesus fish" that I found at Wal-Mart, and they were very excited about it.