Thursday, March 6, 2008

The End of the Cycle

We have officially passed the last birthday Mike will miss during this deployment. Next is mine, and he assures me he'll be home before it. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, even though he keeps telling me it'll happen. Today, we celebrated Liberty's birthday. Let's not tell her it was really Tuesday, but since her Mom obviously had no concept of time, we didn't celebrate it until today. Thankfully, none of the kids told her today really wasn't her birthday. I don't think she was any worse for the wear. Most of my other kids show no emotions when opening gifts. Liberty? Not so much.
I think it really hit me as I was uploading Liberty's 4th birthday pictures. My baby, really isn't a baby anymore. For a split second, there was a hint of baby fever, but trust me when I say, for a split second. Happy Birthday Liberty!!!!


  1. Glad you're back home. The snow looked like fun - as long as I don't have to be there!

    I can remember when you first arrived here and Liberty was such a tiny little thing. She sure has grown up. Speaking of grown up, has Liberty lost a tooth or two?

  2. Happy Birthday Liberty!!

    And here's to hoping they're home by your b-day!!
