Saturday, October 27, 2007

School is never fun

That's what my 8 year old told my husband this week. "School is never fun." Broke my heart. I will say, school isn't always fun, but I do try to make it fun sometimes. So, I would guess maybe I'm not doing a good enough job at this homeschooling thing? So, do tell...what can I do to make school fun? I just bought and downloaded a few notebooks from I attempted to print out the United States Army book, but my printer ran out of ink on the last page. Hmph. I also downloaded an Age of Discovery book and a History of Christmas book. Maybe she'll think notebooks will be fun? Who knows. I tend to think she would think that no school at all would be fun. For some reason, I'm not raising a bunch of kids who love to learn. They learn 'cause I make them. :-) So, if you have any ideas or advice for me, please leave me a comment.
Knitting news...I found my yarn. It was hidden in my closet. I hadn't been able to find my one lonely rubbermaid tote that houses my yarn stash. I was so glad to find it tonight. I needed some of the yarn that was in it! I've been working on the Clapotis. Still. I swear, it's never ending. I think I might make a couple of pairs of Fetching (google it...I'm too tired to link it right now) for my nieces for Christmas. Atleast the 2 older girls. They're 13 and 18. I should probably start them soon, since my husband will be home in the near future. Until next time............


  1. "Never" for a child encompasses about the two days before... I'm sure she has fun once in while :) Maybe she would like more outside activities? I just checked this book ( )out of the library, and it seems to have some really good ideas to make it more fun.

  2. well, I am right there with you. Here we are in the 7th or 8th week of school (I am loosing count, it is 8...started after you all did) and I don't feel like they have learned anything. The one thing they do remember is that when making a mummy they scraped out the brains through the nose...please tell me that you learned more than that in 8 weeks.) We have done a "fun" activity that Victoria enjoys (sometimes) it is lapbooking...every 3 weeks we make a folder highlighting things...hard to explain to to and check it out, I thought it looked fun anyway...we are using the ones through Tapestry of Grace. Best Wishes Angela, hang in there!
