Sunday, December 29, 2013

Catch Up, 2014 Ponderings

I know I'm behind in my December Daily. I did take pictures, and I have documented them on the Project 365 app on my iPhone. I'm hoping to transfer all of that documentation to my blog within the next few days. Anyway.... I've spent some time the last couple of days thinking about the coming new year. I've never been one for New Year's Resolutions. They typically aren't kept, so why waste time pondering them? That being said, there are many areas in my life that need change. Many physical health, my marriage, the way I run my home, my mothering skills, finances, my spiritual life. You may say, "Well that includes pretty much every area of your life, doesn't it?" I would say yes. So, I'm not going to call them New Year's Resolutions. I'll be calling them goals. I need a bit more time to get my list of goals together, but you can expect to see list soon. I don't like to fail, especially not publicly, so perhaps I'll use my blog for accountability.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 6

Today was Benjamin's Birthday. He's 12!!!! How did that happen? We had stayed up late working on his "cake" and I had to work early. So, in order to keep the tradition of streamers on the door going, I asked Katie for help. I usually just tape streamers going every which way. Not so much with Katie. She very methodically hung them. She did a fantastic job!
When I got home from work, we raced to the Nutcracker. Due to an ice storm, Mike didn't have to work so he was able to attend with us. 
Presents!!!! What's a birthday without presents??
Benjamin got a fancy new gun from Boppa!!!!
Benjamin had seen these Minecraft "cakes" on YouTube and decided that's what he wanted for his birthday. I say "cakes," but they are really rice crispie treats covered in fondant.  They're made to look like the cake you would make if you played the Minecraft game.  We had fun making them together!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 5

Mikayla needed a treat to bring to her leadership team Christmas party. Cupcakes it was!!!
I hung these decorations on the kitchen cabinets to hang Christmas cards on. Thanks to Pinterest for this idea!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

December 4

I love the view of my road in the winter time. So very beautiful. I consider myself blessed to live here. 
We had a visitor at the school table!!!! Liberty put Yukon on her lap and this is what he did! He's quite the people liking puppy, that's for sure! 

Katie and I did a bit of decorating. She helped me fluff the wreath and then hang it. 

Mikayla knew I had been looking for a lantern like this. We had seen one at Joann's but it was $70!!!  Too spendy for me! She went shopping at Pier 1 Imports with her friends on Black Friday and found this lantern for a much better price. She bought it for me so I could decorate with it! Love that girl!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 3

Tuesdays are a very busy day for us. We do school in the morning and I attempt to walk on the treadmill. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. The girls have piano from 12:30-2 and Benjamin has violin from 2:30-3. Crazy!!! Sometimes, Benjamin and I do a lil' something special while the girls are at piano. Today was no different. A New Mexican restaurant opened in North Pole. Benjamin treated me to lunch! 'Twas yummy! I'm thankful for these precious moments alone with him.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Daily #2

Someone took this picture on my phone without me knowing. The things I find on my camera roll crack me up. 

Bright and early Monday morning, the kids let Yukon out of his crate to discover he had messed himself. Doesn't everyone want to bathe their puppy before they themselves have even bathed? Oh well. At least it was quick and I did have helpers. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 1

I've attempted to do a December Daily album in the past and not been successful. I'm going to try again. For about the 5th time. Maybe I'll be successful? I'm going to try and do my journaling here, that way I can easily copy it into an album....when I purchase one. 

We haven't used our regular Christmas ornaments since we moved to AK. This is our 4th Christmas here. So, it's been a while. My husband bought me a beautiful new 7.5ft pre-lit artificial tree this year. The kids asked if they could use the old tree downstairs for their ornaments, since they knew this years theme would be red, green, white and silver. I couldn't think of any good reason NOT to have two trees, so we said yes. When they put the tree together we all commented in how ugly of an artificial tree it was and how we couldn't believe that had been our main tree for two years in a row. Ha!!! Once it's decorated, it looks beautiful. Watching the kids go through the boxes of ornaments and tell the stories of whose was whose and when they got each one was so fun to listen to. I've caught the kids periodically standing in front of that tree just gazing at the ornaments. So many memories tied up in that tree. I'm glad I decided to be a yes mom and let them decorate it. <3